Thank You-Fall Mountain
Thank You–themed tracts are one of our more popular series of Gospel tracts. Most Thank You tracts are two panel tracts with a brief, but clear plan of salvation. The back panel is customized with your church information. This tract, ThankYou – I Would Like to Thank You is a two-panel tract.
Non–Customized Options for
"Thank You-I Would Like to Thank You"
Need a few hundred tracts? If you would like this tract or any of the tracts found at Local Church Resources, visit the Gospel Tract Store. All of the Gospel tracts at the Gospel Tract Store come in packs of 50 and ship the same day. Place your order by 1:00 pm EDT.
NOTE: We have a $4 handling charge (this is exact amount my shipper charges to process your order) and shipping charges apply.
GTS Gospel tracts are printed on the same high–quality paper as our LCR tracts. The tracts at Gospel Tract Store are not customized. If you want your tracts customized, order them from this web site (Local Church Resources).